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eyes are bigger than one’s stomach
心有余力而不足  detail>>
eyes bigger than your stomach
想要多吃点,但是胃口却容纳不下  detail>>
the eyes are bigger than the belly
眼馋肚饱,贪吃  detail>>
much bigger than this one
比这大得多  detail>>
this room is not bigger than that one
这间房子并不比那间大  detail>>
have eyes bigger than the belly
眼睛饿 嘴馋  detail>>
his eyes are bigger than his belly
他眼馋肚饱  detail>>
two eyes can see more than one
两只眼比一只眼强  detail>>
the bigger one
大些的那个  detail>>
a little bit bigger than
大一点点  detail>>
bigger than life
重如生活  detail>>
bigger than the sky
才气盖天  detail>>
the world is bigger than you think
这天下比你想像的要大  detail>>
things much bigger than them
比他们大很多的物体  detail>>
a bigger cake or a smaller one
大家都讲标准英语  detail>>
in the eyes of in one’s eyes
在某人眼里  detail>>
than one
接复数谓语 结构作主语时 做主语时  detail>>
front panel is bigger than under panel
前幅底幅细面幅松  detail>>